Template File: /home/1118260.cloudwaysapps.com/bxkzwthgwp/public_html/wp-content/themes/emquire2017/single-people.php | Template Hierarchy

WP version: 6.7.1
PHP version 7.4.33

Prof David Lowe

Prof David Lowe

David is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Co Director of EmQuire the QEUH ED Research Group. He leads a portfolio of projects centred on unscheduled care and specifically data, devices and decisions within this space. Collaborations include Glasgow, Strathclyde University, Glasgow School of Art, private and third sector, seeking to create innovative solutions that can create impactful and sustainable change. His research focuses on decision-making within acute care and the interface between data, the clinician and the patient. As the clinical lead for a SBRI data visualisation challenge, he is developing novel app based solutions with a number of commercial companies to support and enhance clinical decision-making.
