Template File: /home/1118260.cloudwaysapps.com/bxkzwthgwp/public_html/wp-content/themes/emquire2017/single-collaborator.php | Template Hierarchy
WP version: 6.7.1
PHP version 7.4.33
NES Digital Service was established in 2018 to deliver the National Digital Platform, a central part of Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy.
We are a multi-disciplinary and growing team tasked with building infrastructure, products and services which all together represents an evolution in how health and care technology is delivered, managed and experienced in Scotland.
While the focus of our work appears to be all about data, technology and services, it is all in support of better health and care. Because the systems we are building mean that the people who care for you will have the information they need to do their job, have it at the right time and be able to trust that it is accurate, safe and secure.